WEGU –Two-Shot Growth and Barless Innovation
WEGU Manufacturing continues to strengthen its decades-long record of production proficiency by again expanding its portfolio of manufacturing tools with the acquisition of a new Victory 330 ton tie-barless press by the world-renowned ENGEL Group. The Victory has a maximum mold size of over 3′ due to it’s 43”x43” platen. This purchase comes paired with a multi-shot molding unit.
This machine is a major step forward in WEGU’s manufacturing prowess and ability to quickly manufacture complicated parts. tie-barless machines offer free access to the mold area for operational visibility and faster mold changes. This leads to a lower overhead and greatly simplified assessment of potential issues. The result? Lower turnaround times and lower costs for both WEGU and our customers when compared with conventional press technology.
The multi-shot molding unit allows for a relatively unique form of production, permitting WEGU’s press operators to produce complex composite parts made of multiple materials. This grants the ability to produce far more flexible products, allowing WEGU to easily meet the growing variety of needs seen in the increasingly demanding manufacturing scene.
The press is very energy efficient, dependable, and relies on patented force-dividing technology in order to provide an incredibly consistent level of parallelism (or, uniformity of pressure) across the entire platen. This fact, combined with a maximum total clamping force of up to 5,000kN (over 1,100,000lbs-force) ensures a uniform product every time.
We at WEGU are custom manufacturers of molded plastic and rubber products. Let WEGU utilize our over 45 years of experience in bringing your next part from a simple concept to an outstanding reality.
WEGU MANUFACTURING INC. is TS 16949 and ISO 14001 registered company